Kamis, 08 April 2010

How Does THAT Work? Adoption!

Not EVERYBUDDY knows that I was ADOPTED from a SHELTER! Today I want to EXPLAIN how a CAT can get a FOREVER home. Because I want EVERY cat to have a GOOD home.
First, it helps if you are BORNED CUTE. This is me on the VERY DAY I was BORNED. See how CUTE I was? LUCKILY, all kitties are borned cute so this should not stop ANY kitty from getting a Forever home. Did you know I was BORNED in the SHELTER? My mamacat was FERAL and she came to the shelter to be SPAYED. But they found out I was INSIDE her BELLY and let me be BORNED! I never got to MEET my mamacat. I HOPE she is HAPPY.
I lived at the SHELTER for SIX months. That is a LONG time. While you are there, it is GOOD to be NICE to all the other cats. I made MANY friends when I lived there. Do you RECOGNIZE me? I am the BIG cat on the LEFT. I liked to give HUGS to the other little cats. Most of my FRIENDS at the shelter left BEFORE me. I was a little SAD to say GOODBYE to them, but I was also GLAD they got good HOMES. Living in the SHELTER is not as much fun as living in a real HOME.
I liked to stay BUSY playing and playing and playing with TOYS when I lived there. But when PEOPLE came to look at all the CATS, I stopped playing and looked as HANDSOME as I could! There must have been MANY other MORE handsome cats at the time because they did not PICK me.
FINALLY, when I got my FOREVER home with Daisy, I was HAPPY!!! This was me on my FIRST day at HOME! I KNEADED and PURRED all day long. Just so they would know I was HAPPY!
The most IMPORTANT thing is for EVERY cat to get SPAYED and NOOTERED! I may not know EVERYTHING, but I know that for sure!

A note from Daisy: I want to thank everybuddy so very, very much for their kind words and thoughts for me. It means a lot! My eyes are still getting better, so I wonder if it really is uveitis, which can take weeks to resolve. Still waiting on my test results which I hope to get this morning!

PS: Mommeh just called the vet's office and my test results are not in yet. Rats! She will be home from work tonight and maybe we will hear something by then. Waiting is hard.

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