Kamis, 02 September 2010

How Does THAT Work? Neutering!

Today I will explain an IMPORTANT subject. Many Mancats might wonder, WHAT is NEUTERING? Well, I am here to EXPLAIN everything!
Baby KITTENS do not get NEUTERED. This is because you must WAIT until you get LOTS and LOTS of toy BALLS. Once you have ENOUGH balls, your mom and dad will decide you are READY to be NEUTERED. See, I have LOTS of balls!
USUALLY, the doctor will TAKE your balls when you are SLEEPING. This is so you do not NOTICE your balls are MISSING! Your doctor will ONLY take TWO balls, so you will still have MANY left to play with. When you WAKE UP, they are just GONE!
Once you have been NEUTERED, you cannot make BEBBEHS any more. This is because GIRL cats mainly like MANCATS with LOTS of balls. It is IMPORTANT for every MANCAT to get NEUTERED. Since there are MANY cats without HOMES, giving up your EXTRA balls is a NICE thing to do.

ps: GUESS WHAT!?! I got this fancy BUTTON with my PICTURE on it, wearing my BEST uniform! You can get one, TOO, if you want by clicking on THIS LINK! It is not a REAL badge like REAL police wear though. Oh yeah, and I do not have a REAL fan club, just a PRETEND one.


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