Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

How Does THAT Work? At the Vet's Office!

I know MANY of you wonder what happens at the VET'S OFFICE! Well, I had to GO there RECENTLY, so I have a REPORT for you.

It is very HARD to become a VET. I did some RESEARCH and found that you have to SERVE in the MILITARY first, BEFORE you can BECOME a vet! This is ME at the VET'S OFFICE! Even though I look NERVOUS, I was just PRETENDING. I am BRAVE!
Here is a little MOVIE of me in my CARRIER. I am WAITING for my EXAM. Sometimes the NOISES can be SKERRY, but your MOM can keep you CALM. (You can CLICK HERE to see the movie on YOUTUBE).
The VET will ask to LOOK INSIDE your EARS and your EYES. He wanted to see all of my TEETH. And then he said, "Harley, you have too much tartar sauce there!" Maybe the TARTAR SAUCE got on my TEETH from eating too much FISH!

Sometimes you get STABBED with a long, skinny metal STICK. They use this metal STICK to TAKE some of your BLOOD!!!!! It is TRUE! This is because your BLOOD has to have an EXAM to see if you are GOOD. If they take blood from your NECK, it is possible you could turn into a VAMPIRE. Do not WORRY too much about this though.
Here is the TEST my OWN bloods took. I think I PASSED. The parts with the CHECK marks, are where my BLOODS were EXCEPTIONAL!

Going to the see the Vet is NOT FUN. I recommend RUNNING and HIDING when it is your turn to go.

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