Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Monday Funnies!

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Queen for a Day!

LOOK what I found! This beautiful STOLE that Daisy has never worn before. Do not worry, I did not STEAL the STOLE. I just borrowed it.
The BEST part of this out fit is the BUILT-IN jewels! I think they are the FAMILY jewels.
HAY! How did this PICTURE get in HERE? You are seeing my BEHIND the scenes TRICKS! I get to PLAY with FUN toys so modeling is FUN!
Now that you know my SECRET, do you still RESPECT me as a MODEL?

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

My Heart Almost Burst with Happiness!

Just when I thought I was the luckiest kitty in the universe, I got this package from Skeezix for my 7th birthday. Here I am waiting to open it up!
And LOOK what I got! The very most amazing mixed-media portrait of.... ME! My curly heart almost burst with happiness when I saw it. And it even made my Mommeh's eyes leak a little bit when she saw it. It is so beautiful, I can hardly believe it. Can you see my curly whiskers and the little freckle in my eye?
And all around the painting are special images from my life. Here are some sea monkeys which remind me of my experiments raising sea monkeys. The sea monkeys are deaded, but I still have their memory.
And here is Mr. Shrill! The music is from the Bicycle Built for Two song which reminds me of the most romantic music video that Skeezix made for me.
And this is the lizard picture I drew for my Daisy's Tall Tales story!
Do you see Harley? For once, I am bigger than him!
My Mommeh's eyes leaked a little when she saw the portrait. You can see more fabulous portraits at Crazy Cat Lady Art. I have always thought those portraits were so amazing, I cannot believe I have one of my very own. Skeezix, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my curly heart. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Harley Kinects

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Gerbils Have Good Toys!

I keep a CLOSE eye on Bert and Ernie! And it is a GOOD thing I do, because they just got a NEW toy that I FOUND out about.
Here is BERT on the seesaw. I guess Ernie would rather SLEEP than play right now.
Here is a MOVIE of Bert & Ernie. You can see I did not BOTHER them. Too much.

To watch the movie full size, you can click here to watch on YouTube!

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Monday Funnies!

Happy President's Day, everybuddy!

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Skulls are Cool!

Remember I told you on Monday that I had something extra-special to model for you? Well, here it is! This gorgeous new dress with skulls that I got from Skeezix! Do not worry, there is only skulls not the entire skullaton, so it is not too skerry. I hope Skeezix likes how this dress shows off my belleh.
Here, I will show you the back. Do you see the fancy ribbon belt and the bow? And the skull fabric is sparkly!
Now I want to show you some new modeling tricks I just learned. See? This is my backwards pose designed to show off the back of my fancy new dress. I guess if I get arrested, I can also use this pose for being frisked.
And I learned to stretch out my toes when I wave my paw!
You all know I model for treats, right?
Well, I usually get some good skritches, too. Especially when I model real good and learn new poses like today!
Here I am giving my Mommeh the love eyes, and squinching my nose.
And look! I also got a catnip heart toy! Skeezix, you already have my heart! Thank you so much for picking out the most beautiful and fashionable outfit, ever!
My fancy new dress comes from Diana Designs NY. The shape fits just right!

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

My Pretty Pink Pill

This stuff is called Cosequin Feline. I like it because it is a pretty pink color. My Mommeh was noticing that I don't play as much as usual, and I spend a lot of time on my heated cat pad. Since Devon Rex kittehs can be prone to hip dysplasia, my Mommeh decided to try some Cosequin to keep my joints healthy.
I get this sprinkled on my foods, and it tastes a little bit delicious.
It has been about a month, and I definitely play and jump and run around more now! My Mommeh says I act like a little maniac sometimes.
I like this picture because, even though I have a squishy belleh, when I stretch out to jump, it goes away! See how trim I look? Maybe it is not a squishy belleh, maybe it is just some extra material so I can stretch out long. Yeah, that must be it!

ps: Check out this story about the Top 40 Cat Care Blogs. My bloggie is listed as one of the Top 9 Cat Bloggers! I feel proud and happy!

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Who Us? Up to Something?

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Advanced Smiling

Ever since I LEARNED how to SMILE, I have been PRACTICING different smiles. I might be an EXPERT smiler now. Here is a small GRIN.
Here is a BIGGER grin. Does it look FAKE? I am trying to SMILE with my EYES so I look SINCERE!
This is an IMPORTANT and GOOD smile. It says "Come CLOSER and I will give you a HUG!" I like BIG hugs.
This is a HARLEY ORIGINAL smile with a THUMBS UP. Do you think it is over the TOP?

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Monday Funnies!

Daisy: Even though Harley got to have his own comic today, I have something I want to post, too! This is for my sweetie, Skeezix.

Happy Valentine's Day!

ps: I got something extra-special for Valentine's Day that I will model for you on Friday!

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

I'm a Beautiful Faerie!

I think this is my most wonderful and fabulous outfit of all time! Do you see the beautiful ribbons, and all the colors of the rainbow? And since I have colorful wings, I must be a magical Faerie. This means I can grant wishes!
If you believe, it will be true!
Take my paw, and reach for your dreams! I hope it works!
I also want to take a moment to thank you all for your birthday wishes for me. You made my birthday the very happiest day, ever. I am a lucky cat to have such kind friends.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

My Birthday Got Even Better!

Just when I thought my birthday could not possibly get any better, look what I got! The most beautiful bouquet in the world from the most fabulous Mancat in the world - Skeezix!
I can hardly believe my eyes. There are roses and daisies and PINK flowers! I am the very luckiest curly cat in the entire universe.
Thank you ever so much, Skeezix. You made my day extra-special. XOXOXOXOXOXOX!

Today I am SEVEN! Years.

Today is my birthday! Since my Mommeh does not work on Wednesdays, we celebrated yesterday. Here is what I got to do:

I started off the day in my Outdoor Funhouse. It was sunny and warm and I rolled all around on the bricks. Harley does not enjoy the Funhouse so he just watched me from inside.
Then I opened my present. It was a Skinneez chicken! I never realized chickens have strings for legs. You will note that this chicken is Sans Rembourrage. This means it has no guts.
Then I got some of my very most favorite treats, freeze-dried chicken livers. Hooray! I been thinking, maybe this is some of the Rembourrage from my Skinneez chicken.
Next, I rolled all around in some catnip.
And finally I played with my new chicken toy in a box. It was the best day, ever!
Even though my Mommeh feels wistful that I am already seven, I think I will enjoy being seven. Years.