Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Deciding Between Adopting an Older Cat or a Kitten

So you've decided to adopt a cat. Great! Now you have the tough choice between picking an older cat or going with a kitten. There are benefits to either, but there's a lot to consider carefully before selecting the precise feline for you. Here are some things to consider.
First, kittens will be adopted no matter what. It's extremely rare for a group of kittens to go long without being snatched up. Older cats, however, will stay at shelters for a long time, mostly for the reasons we'll get into later. If you're hoping to adopt a cat primarily to do some good, you do the most good when you adopt an older feline. Kittens will find homes. The older ones need your love.
Still, the biggest draw of a kitten is that they grow up with you and become attached to you in all ways. Basically, the cat they turn into is a direct result of your actions in raising them, so this is a plus if you feel you're a rather good cat owner or if you'd like a companion you know inside and out.
This doesn't mean that older cats are lost causes though. Many of them are just as loving as kittens will be, sometimes more so, and a lot of times an older cat will already be housebroken and trained not to scratch or not to chew on things around the house. It all comes down to the life the cat used to live and the owners that raised it. When choosing a cat that's older you're at the mercy of either inheriting pre-established negative features or you have the responsibility of breaking these negative habits and instilling positive ones.
It will all come down to whether you want all the responsibility in forming your cat's adult personality or don't mind inheriting a random batch of traits from an older cat. Either choice will require work, but the amount of work and the type of work is entirely different between the two. Kittens are all about adding and training. Older cats are all about discovering what they need to be happy and helping to mesh that with the life you can give them. Many times the adult cats you're adopting will come from homes that either abused or neglected them completely, so your work there will be all about gaining trust and giving love. Kittens will be more about keeping them from hurting themselves or others and helping to establish boundaries for them to decide they want to break all the time.
Picking a cat is ultimately up to you. Weigh the options carefully and plan accordingly. Cats and kittens everywhere need a home, so don't wait too long and give them the love they need!
For more cat information or to learn more about the best cat breeds, head over to today!

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