Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Daisy Tells All!

Today I will tell you more answers to your questions! We will start with my modeling career, okay?

About Modeling:
One day when I used to live in Virginia, before I ever had a blog, my Mommeh bought me a tee-shirt and I did not mind wearing it.
The first fashion I ever wore.

After I started my blog, I decided I would like to model many different outfits. I get lots of delicious treats for modeling, so I actually look forward to my modeling sessions; when I see the camera and my outfit, I actually run toward the camera so I can get started! I usually only model for about 5-10 minutes at a time, and my Mommeh can take as few as 10 pictures or as many as almost 100! If I am modeling good, my Mommeh just keeps going, but if I seem bored, we stop early. I like trying real complicated outfits the best. I have my very own closet in the guest room for all my clothings. I have always been a good model, but it took my Mommeh a while to learn how to hold up the treat so I look my best. I have many, many outfits. More than I can count! Sometimes I might wear a tee-shirt for a while after my photoshoot, but I usually take off my outfit right away.
Picking an outfit from my closet.

I used to like to play rough, but now I do not play as much as I used to. My favorite toy is the Cat Dancer. It's fun to chase after. I also like my Gommelgrabber. We have a big box full of toys to choose from. Harley loves to play with ANY toy, but his favorite is the mouse on a wand toy. He really loves every sort of wand toys, and he has a pink wand and a blue wand that he carries upstairs every night and drags into bed. In the morning, he drags them both back downstairs with the stick part dragging behind him.

Cat Dancer!

More Habits:
My worst bad habit is that I like to give the Bitey. I never scratch, but biting is so much fun! I never make any bloods come out though. I especially like to bite hands. Harley bites, too! Usually when he is playing rough and gets all wound up. He gets the wild, Googly Eyes, and tears around the house making these crazy noises.

Neither of us has ever gone potty outside of the litter box, and we only scratch on our scratching post. We have a litter box called the "Biddy Cat" that we love. It is extra big, and the sides are rounded so the litter does not get stuck in the corners.

Harley ALWAYS wants to play, and he is always jumping on me and chasing me all around. He is having a great time, but it makes me very mad. My Mommeh says Harley is a very good-natured cat who just wants to have fun, but I usually growl, hiss or box him with my paws, and he never, ever, ever stops! It has made me a little bit nervous, and I have started to overgroom my furs and now I have lots of missing furs.

Other stuff:
Yes, I actually have tasted cake! Skeezix got me this very, very special birthday cake with my picture on it. My Mommeh said it was almost too beautiful to let me eat it.
My beautiful birthday cake.

We have been using PetzLife oral gel on out teeths. Harley has a lot of tartars on his teeths, and we have not noticed too much difference in that. But his gums are not nearly as red any more, so I think it is helping him. My Mommeh puts the gel on our teeths with a Q-tip, which is easier than using a brush.

I never got to eat a real live dead mousie, but Harley chases and catches the little lizards that get into our house all the time. My Mommeh tries to save them and take the lizards outside, but Harley has learned to catch them and eat them really quickly and he will NEVER let one out of his mouth.

Whoa, I wrote a lot! Since there are still more questions, I will continue next week, if you are still interested! Here is one of the very first pictures of bebbeh me with my Mommeh:

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