Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

You Have Questions, I Have Answers!

Thanks ever so much for all your great questions! I will answer your questions in two or three parts, okay? This will be fun!

How we were gotted:
My Mommeh got me from a Devon Rex breeder. The funny thing is, the breeder was almost across the street from where she lived at the time! It is the same breeder that my sister Pixie came from. As soon as my Mommeh saw me, she knew I would be hers forever.

Harley was borned in a shelter to a feral mamacat who was there to be spayed and released. Since the mamacat was found to be full-term, the bebbehs were delivered, and Harley was one of them! He had been at the shelter my Mommeh used to volunteer at for over 6 months, and when Pixie had to go to the Bridge, Harley came home to live with me forever.

When Harley joined our family, he was very used to being around lots of other cats because of his time at the shelter. So even though I hissed and growled at him, he would slowly back away, and sit quietly next to me. My Mommeh said he had good social skills. Now that we have been together a long time, Harley is always jumping on me and chasing me around and trying to play rough. That makes me mad! Most of the time, we peacefully coexist, but we do not snuggle together.
Me and Harley during one of our early meetings

Our Habits:
I am a lap cat, and love to sit on my Mommeh's lap. Harley has just recently decided he enjoys sitting on laps, too! Sometimes both of us will try to sit on her lap at the same time. This also makes me mad!

I always sleep in the big people bed at night. Sometimes I will spend hours kneading and purring at night, and sometimes I try to sleep across my Mommeh's neck. She thinks I am trying to strangle her, but I just like to be close. Harley has recently decided he wants to sleep on the bed, too. This makes me mad!

I have not gone strollering in a LONG time. Now that my Mommeh is working, she does not have as much time to take me Outside. I love strollering, and look all around at the birds and bugs and cars and trees. I liked it right away! Harley does not enjoy strollering as much as I do; he gets a little bit nervous and cries. Sorry for telling that, Harley.
Harley, ruining my good time. Again.

About our mom and dad:
Our dad was a vice president for a big bank where he worked for 25 years. He was laid off a few months ago, and in December he started working for another major bank. He likes his new job a lot, I think. Our mom worked for many, many years in the insurance industry, and then she "retired" for about 3 years. She just started a new job last month at 1800PetMeds. She helps other dogs and cats get medicines! Now that she is working full time again, she says it is harder for her to help us blog. During the week, she works from 11:30 am - 8:00 pm, so we go online for a little bit in the mornings, and on her days off. She says it is very, very hard to leave us to go to work because I always try to follow her out the door and cry a little bit. When she gets home, Harley and I are waiting by the door for her.

Various Stuff:
We eat raw food made by Nature's Variety. They are frozen medallions that we just thaw the night before in the refrigerator. I like chicken and rabbit and Harley likes beef and rabbit. Sadly, we do not get Temptations any more. But we love our healthy grain-free treats which are freeze-dried organic duck hearts, turkey hearts, and chicken liver.

My favorite Beatle is the Click Beetle. They jump and make a funny noise.

Harley waving goodbye.

I will answer more questions a little bit later, so you do not get too bored reading about us!

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