Kamis, 12 November 2009

Harley's New Trick...

...Or, Why Nobuddy Sleeps Well Anymore

Harley likes to sit in the high windows above the bed to look for birds. But a very Bad Thing has happened. Harley learned how to walk on the canopy rails!
I used to walk on the canopy, too. Then one day, I got too close to the ceiling fan and it FLUNG me off. I am too scairted to go up there any more.
Harley does not have good balance...
And the railings make a creaky noise when he is up there because he is much bigger than me.
When he is done, sometimes he just flings himself down onto the bed.
In the middle of the night, we can hear him walking around up there. His favorite time for walking the rails is about 4:00 am. I am scairted he might land on my HEAD one day!

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