Senin, 30 November 2009

Monday Mystery: Which is the REAL Me?

Today I thought of a new game we can play! Look at the four images below. One of them is the REAL me, and the other three are imposters. When you have figured out the real Daisy, can you figure out what is different about the other images? You can click on this picture to biggify.
If you guessed image A is the real Daisy, you are correct! Image B, below, is a mirror image of me; the photo was just flipped horizontally.
Image C, below, is me with two left sides put together to make the whole.
Image D, below, is my two right sides put together to make a whole. I think my right side is my best side!
I hope you had fun playing!

ps: I just found out that Harley is being featured on Animal Planet's homepage this week!

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