Senin, 16 November 2009

Professor Daisy Talks on Water

Hello, students! You have done well in our earlier studies about feline nutrition. Today, let us learn about water. It might seem like a simple subject, but maybe we can learn something new!
Did you know our ancestors were desert animals? Here are some interesting facts I read:
...several features of cats' physiology are unusual and are probably due to their descent from desert-dwelling species. For instance, cats are able to tolerate quite high temperatures, with humans starting to feel uncomfortable when their skin temperature passes about 112°F, in contrast cats show no discomfort until their skin reaches around 126°F. ...As well as being tolerant of high temperatures, cats' feces are usually dry and their urine is also highly concentrated, both of which are adaptations that allow cats to retain as much fluid as possible...
Cats do not naturally have a very high thirst drive. We were designed to get most of our water from our foods! Dry kibble has up to about 10% water, while canned foods are around 75% water, which is close to our natural prey. Even though cats who eat a kibble-only diet will drink more waters to compensate, their water intake from all sources will still usually be much less than a cat who eats canned food. This can result in a chronically dehydrated state!
Not getting enough fluids can lead to an increased risk of urinary tract problems. You may not know that a few years ago, I had oxalate bladder stones that had to be surgically removed. Back then, I was on a high-quality kibble-only diet (Wysong). This is how my tummy looked right after the operation to remove the rocks from my bladder. It was hurty!
Many times, cats will search for puddles and other sources of water because we do not like the taste of heavily-chlorinated tap water. Sometimes, the scent of the detergent used to wash the water bowl will be stinky to us. Many cats also like to drink from water that is not near our foods, or from a fountain or running tap. We usually like to drink from bowls that do not interfere with our sensitive whiskers.

We all know that a source of fresh, safe drinking water is important for all cats. Here is what we do at my house:
  • We drink only filtered water so any bad chemicals are removed.
  • Our water dish is on a counter, away from our foods. This is mainly because Harley still plays in the water dish and makes a big mess.
  • We have a clean bowl with fresh water every day.
  • We only use glass or stainless steel drinking bowls
  • Our Mommeh uses the "Anti-Bacteria" setting on our dishwasher. I do not really know if this helps anything, but I think it kills germs better.
Remember, my Milton Bradley Operation home-study course does not qualify me to give medical advice. If you notice any change in your drinking habits like excessive drinking or not drinking enough, be sure to consult your veterinarian.


ps: We added lots of tee-shirts and buttons and magnets to our shop! I hope you like them. You can click on the tee-shirt, or the link to go to my shop and look around if you want. There is international shipping to most places, too!

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