Jumat, 30 April 2010

A Toad-ally Cute Tee-shirt!

I got another real cute tee-shirt! This one has pretty pink sleeves, but the best part is the FROG on the front. Ribbit, ribbit!
Here is a close-up, in case you cannot see the frog too good. He is made of sequins, so the frog is very shiny. I guess real frogs are shiny, too. On account of they are covered in slime.
And I figured out the best accessory for a frog shirt is... a FROG! On my HEAD!
Balancing stuff is hard.
Do you want to hear a frog joke? I knew you did! Okay, here it is:
Q: What happens if a frog parks in a bus stop?
A: He gets TOAD away!

Kamis, 29 April 2010


Finally! I have video proof that Harley is out to ruin my good time!
Just take a look and see for yourself! I should warn you that this movie is rated PG because it has VIOLENCE!

Here is a link to the video on YouTube in case you are having trouble watching the movie.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Those Shoes!

(pssst... are those shoe cats still behind me?)

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Modeling Secrets

I think by now most of you know I love to model because I am very treat motivated. I always get lots of yummies for modeling. But here is a secret about modeling...
It can be very messy! Here I am on the set with treat crumbs stuck in my furs. Oopsie.
Sometimes, if the treats are extra-good, I start drooling. This can ruin the picture, so I try to keep the spits inside my mouth. I got my very, very most favorite treats during this photo shoot, so I could not help myself.
ps: My favorite treats right now are Freeze Dried Chicken Livers!

Senin, 26 April 2010

Monday Funnies!

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Fashion Friday: Glamorous Hair!

Look, I got some new hairs! My fancy new wig is a very beautiful purple color. I think purple is a good color. I wish I could find a PINK wig though.
Bangs are fashionable this season! Notice how my softly layered blunt cut frames my face?
Sometimes when I model real good, I even surprise myself!
I am ready for my glamour shot!

Kamis, 22 April 2010


But it is IMPORTANT to CONQUER your fears.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday: My Pretty, Pretty New Cap

You put your arms through where?!?!?

Selasa, 20 April 2010

Lizard Season!

Now that the weather is warm and sunny again, you know what that means... it's Lizard Season!
Here is a fine specimen. Come closer, lizard, so I can examine you.
Good-bye, lizard. I wish you could come inside and play. I will be waiting for you!

Senin, 19 April 2010

Monday Funnies!

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Fashion Friday: I am a Cool Cat!

I am headless!!!! Today I am showing you a close-up first, so you can see the cool 3-dimensional cat on my shirt. It says "Cool Cat" so it is very perfect for me. Even though I do not know how to wear sunglasses. Please pretend you do not see the piece of freeze-dried chicken liver on my sleeve. That is a little bit uncool.
Hey, Mommeh! Did you forget something? I need my leopard-print kerchief with this outfit.
Now I look much better, so I can smile for the camera because I really am happy. I think this is called a Sporty pose.
This is my Elegant pose.
And finally, my Glamour shot!

Kamis, 15 April 2010

How Harley Ruins My Good Times

Good times.
Harley ready to ruin my good times.
Ruining commences.
More ruining.
No more good times.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Funny Faces

(ps: these were taken before my eye went wacky, so I have no excuse for my funny faces!)

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Waiting for Mommeh!

I made a MOVIE! It shows how EVERY day when my Mommeh goes to work, I WAIT and WAIT for her to come home. I can hear the CAR from far AWAY! Because I have SUPER-STRONG ears. Usually I MEOW as loud as I can. The VIDEO camera distracted me a little bit, but you can still hear my LOUD voice. Here I am CLIMBING up her leg using my STRONG arms. I think she ENJOYS this a lot!
You will see in this MOVIE that I am LAYING on the TABLE! Even though I am not SUPPOSED to be up there, I go there all the time.

ps: If you cannot see the movie, you can click HERE to see it on YouTube!

Senin, 12 April 2010

You touched my heart... and my eyeball!

Hi everybuddy! I wanted to tell you that your kind words and good thoughts for me have touched my curly heart. And it worked! Because my FeLV and FIV test results were negative, and my eyeball is getting better every day. See? You can only tell the difference in pupil size now if you look very, very carefully. At first, the pupil inside my left eye stayed a small slit even in dim light. Now it gets big again! Good pupil!
I wanted to thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. We were very, very scairted. My Mommeh does not know what caused my eyeball to go wacky like that, and I am not telling. Harley might know though.
Um, do you see Harley around anywhere???
Thank you so much for being my friend!

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Hardhat Harley

Look at these MANLY tools! When working with tools, SAFETY must come FIRST. So I got this manly HARDHAT to wear. It will PROTECT my HEAD from INJURY. It is made of HARD plastic. I think that is why it is called a HARDHAT instead of a SOFT-HAT.
NOW we are READY to work with TOOLS! I have a SCREWDRIVER and the other tool is a MONKEY WRENCH. So, if anybuddy has a MONKEY that needs some WRENCHING, I'm the Mancat for the job!
Hey BEBBEH! Do you need a HANDYMAN?
I been THINKING, maybe Daisy needs a HARDHAT, too. So I could JUMP on her and her head would still be SAFE!

ps: Daisy still does not have her test results back, but her EYEBALL is still looking BETTER every day!!!

BREAKING NEWS: Daisy's FeLV and FIV test results are in and they are NEGATIVE! HOORAY!!!!!