Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Hot Dog!

Now THIS is an outfit I can model with relish! Sorry, I promised Harley I would tell that joke.
Even though Harley showed off his wiener and his buns, I am the one with the REAL hotdog suit. Okay, I am ready for lunch! No, no, I don't mean that I AM lunch...
Oh, Mommeh, don't forget the fries please!
No fries?!?!?! I will still model. But I will not enjoy it as much.
Do you want to just eat me all up?
HARLEY! Stay away from the hotdog suit!

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

A Tiny Red Cap

We are going to have a modeling face-off! Here is a tiny red cap. Let's find out who can model it the best. First it is Harley's turn. He is doing a good job balancing the cap, but he has wacky ears, so he gets points off for that. He does have a tiny smile.
Now it is my turn. My head is tiny, so it is even harder for me to balance. My ears are in their natural position, but I am not smiling my best.
Ernie wants to try, too! His tiny red cap is Photoshopped, so he is disqualified from the competition. Good try, Ernie.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Granola!

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Boxing Match

Daisy: Harley, leave me alone! I am trying to enjoy this box.
Harley: I'm just WATCHING you.
Daisy: Then look the other way, Harley.
Harley: Okay! Is this BETTER? I'm not LOOKING!
Daisy: MOMMEH! Harley is bothering me!
Harley: But it is my Weruva STEAK FRITES box!
Harley: WOOHOO! Let's CHASE each other!

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Monday Funnies!

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Keeping Your Cat From Damaging Furniture

Those of us with cats know all too well that one of their defining physical features is the inclusion of little razors at the end of their hands, useful for defending themselves against predators but mostly for destroying items around your house. Thankfully, there's a lot you can do to prevent the damage as much as possible. Here are just a few solutions.
There are three main reasons a cat will scratch at furniture. The first is to sharpen their claws, which they feel they need to maintain despite living a posh life indoors where their only predators are the vacuum cleaner and rocking chairs. The second reason is to stretch their muscles as the act of scratching is actually a full-body activity. The last reason is that it just feels good, so they like doing it.
When it comes to stopping cats from clawing things, it's best to start mild and work your way up to more drastic measures. Start small by simply spraying the cat with water every time it begins scratching. And yes, this does work on at least some cats. The tricky part is always catching the feline in the act. You can't punish them after the fact as they won't readily connect the two together, so they have to be sprayed while their paws are touching the fabric and the claws are popping.
If this isn't working, or if you just can't be around at all times, then consider covering the scratching corners with something to dissuade them from putting their paws on them, like double-sided tape, bitter spray, or even tin foil. The downside is that for a while you'll have to endure something silly on your furniture when the point of all of this is to lessen the damage. Still, if this works you'll be very happy with the results.
The final option is the most severe, and it involves having your cat declawed. This should only be considered in the most extreme cases as it's not a procedure that's really encouraged since it involves cutting the end of each cat's fingers off. This can cause discomfort in walking and standing, and sometimes just drastically affect your kitty's overall personality. A better solution would be to simply clip their nails on a regular basis or to attach plastic nail caps to their claws.
It seems that whatever we try and decide, cats are going to decide something different. They can be taught, but it takes a while. Find a method that you're comfortable with and good luck!
For more cat information and to learn about cat training, head over to SimplyCatBreeds.org today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6427167

Welcome to the World of Affection Via Tonkinese Cats

'The words cat and cute are not only similar to hear, but are quite similar literally as well,' said a former TV presenter. Like dogs, cats also have a special place in the drama called life. Cats, like happiness come in different shapes, sizes and colors. One such colorful breed is the Tonkinese cat.
Like the Canadian hairless cat, the Tonkinese cats have originated from the lands of Canada. This is a medium sized cat breed, a cross between 2 beautiful cat breeds - the Siamese cat breed and the Burmese cat breed.
History of Tonkinese Cats
'History is a half right- half wrong fable agreed upon.' Same way, there are some instances which connect this recent breed to historical era of the 19th century. Some people believe that these cats often trace their roots back to the 'Wong Mau' miracle cat (a small sized walnut colored cat, courtesy - Dr. Joseph Cheesman Thompson, 1930). Most other journals and experts put the start of breeding as late 19th century, which is widely accepted. All in all, the exact history is debated but these cats aren't as old as some other species.
Name Game
This pet breed was earlier called as - Tonkanese which got later modified to Tonkinese. Origin of its name is the namesake island in the musical South Pacific. This fictitious island was special because there was no discrimination done to half-breeds and hybrids. These are commonly known as Tonks, while promoting, and also during cat shows.
These beautiful Tonkinese animals breeds often find mentions in English novels, movies, documentaries and magazines. Known for their friendly nature, these pets are often classified as the perfect apartment cats. In general, these animals are lively with gregarious personalities and form one of the bubbliest pets. With an appealing individuality, the Tonkinese pets breed is often considered to have taken good qualities of both, Siamese and Burmese cat breeds. Even its meow is slightly different than other breeds, and its voice is often an epitome of affection. The Tonkinese pet carves and returns affection very openly.
The trim and muscular cat appears lighter than what they actually are. They have the following physical features:
- Distinctive oval-shaped paw
- An adapted wedge shaped head
- Large ears which are almost set to the outside of their heads
- Muscular appearance
There are 3 main patterns in Tonkinese cats, solid, pointed and mink. They come in 4 attractive colors and their color pattern darkens with age. The solid pattern is the most common type of Tonkinese pet pattern around.
One of the major reasons why these cats appear affectionate is their curiosity; these Tonkinese puppys are unusually curious, even to the simplest of things like a human finger. These folks are playful and mischievous and like humans or other Asian cat species around.
These cats form great pets and many owners claim, there is a sense of pleasure when these are around. Cats, in general emit happiness and Tonkinese ones are no different.
Learn about the traits and characteristics of different cat breeds. Also get information on how to take care of cat health and find easy ways to give your pet a friendly environment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6403725

Deciding Between Adopting an Older Cat or a Kitten

So you've decided to adopt a cat. Great! Now you have the tough choice between picking an older cat or going with a kitten. There are benefits to either, but there's a lot to consider carefully before selecting the precise feline for you. Here are some things to consider.
First, kittens will be adopted no matter what. It's extremely rare for a group of kittens to go long without being snatched up. Older cats, however, will stay at shelters for a long time, mostly for the reasons we'll get into later. If you're hoping to adopt a cat primarily to do some good, you do the most good when you adopt an older feline. Kittens will find homes. The older ones need your love.
Still, the biggest draw of a kitten is that they grow up with you and become attached to you in all ways. Basically, the cat they turn into is a direct result of your actions in raising them, so this is a plus if you feel you're a rather good cat owner or if you'd like a companion you know inside and out.
This doesn't mean that older cats are lost causes though. Many of them are just as loving as kittens will be, sometimes more so, and a lot of times an older cat will already be housebroken and trained not to scratch or not to chew on things around the house. It all comes down to the life the cat used to live and the owners that raised it. When choosing a cat that's older you're at the mercy of either inheriting pre-established negative features or you have the responsibility of breaking these negative habits and instilling positive ones.
It will all come down to whether you want all the responsibility in forming your cat's adult personality or don't mind inheriting a random batch of traits from an older cat. Either choice will require work, but the amount of work and the type of work is entirely different between the two. Kittens are all about adding and training. Older cats are all about discovering what they need to be happy and helping to mesh that with the life you can give them. Many times the adult cats you're adopting will come from homes that either abused or neglected them completely, so your work there will be all about gaining trust and giving love. Kittens will be more about keeping them from hurting themselves or others and helping to establish boundaries for them to decide they want to break all the time.
Picking a cat is ultimately up to you. Weigh the options carefully and plan accordingly. Cats and kittens everywhere need a home, so don't wait too long and give them the love they need!
For more cat information or to learn more about the best cat breeds, head over to SimplyCatBreeds.org today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6422060

Is A Yearly Check Up At Your Cat's Vet Really Necessary Or Just A Waste Of Money?

Our cat's veterinarian wears several different hats; he/she is our cat's family doctor, dentist, and optometrist. As a fellow cat owner I know how expensive your vet bill can get overtime after just some simple routine checkups and necessary vaccines. However, taking your cat to the vet for a yearly check-up may help to reduce a potentially high vet bill in addition to alerting you of any health problems your cat may be experiencing.
Just as with human health issues, many cat health problems have clear specific symptoms. Since our cats can't verbalize their discomfort, these symptoms help to alert cat owners of their cat's illness and that their cat may require a visit to the vets. Major signs such as your cat not eating are hard to miss, but with our busy lives filled with work, preparing meals for ourselves and our families, social events and bills, a symptom like your cat not regularly grooming can get overlooked.
One of several benefits of your cat's annual examine is that your veterinarian will not only do a physical examination, but will also ask questions about your cat's activity level, litter and eating habits. These questions give you a chance to think about your cat's daily behaviors and sometimes reveal a health issue; these questions may also reveal a health problem that was simply concluded as either a behavior problem or just one of your cat's personality traits. For example, a cat that is urinating outside of their litter, we might see this as a behavior problem, when in fact it is a symptom of urinary tract infection. Another example is a cat who sleeps all the time and still looks tired even after sleeping, yes every cat owner knows that cats love to sleep, however your cat excessive sleeping may not just be a cat who loves to sleep but could be a sign of diabetes.
Yearly checkups can help detect a cat health problem in the earlier stages. Early detection can decrease the negative impact of the illness and the cost associate with treating that illness. Depending on the disease, as a result of early detection, your vet may be able to prescribe a medication that will quickly treat the problem, however if left untreated could become a more severe problem that requires more intensive expensive treatments.
Also if an illness is left undetected and your cat later requires emergency services, this can be both traumatic and expensive for cats, and depending on the procedure, almost double what you would pay at your regular vets.
Please note that as important as the annual check up is, an observant cat owner who notices changes in their cat's behavior is priceless. Some illnesses simply cannot wait until the yearly check-up such as; feline kidney disease, and therefore requires an observant owner to notice symptoms that their cat may be exhibiting. A yearly check up and an observant cat owner is a winning combination when it comes to keeping your feline friend healthy.
Kerry-Ann and her husband have been cat owners for over twenty years. They have two beautiful healthy cats, ages 18 and 2. They are also the creators of http://www.cat-health-101.com, Feel free to follow them on twitter, they enjoy tweeting with fellow pet owners.http://twitter.com/#!/cathealth101

Watching My Cat For Symptoms of Illness

I love my cat, as do many of us out there. He's a happy, playful little snot who loves to do his own thing and every so often decides to pay me a visit to make sure I'm still alive enough to feed him. But not too long ago I started to notice a few things that made me suspect he was sick. Here's what started happening.

Usually, my cat has no problem running all around the house, even when we have company over. He's got to be the center of attention at all times, which isn't too hard as he's always willing to entertain. But I noticed that he hadn't come out of the bedroom one night when a few friends were over, and when I went to go find him I could hardly convince him to get out from under the bed. Even after my house had cleared, I couldn't easily convince my cat to abandon his spot. I'd later find out that this is a warning sign that your cat may be sick as they like to hide when not feeling well. It doesn't take much to see this change, especially if your cat is the type, like mine, to always be out and active.

I next felt that his usually wet nose was pretty dry. I generally get a face-full of cat nose in the morning as a little reminder to wake up and start the day, so I can tell you firsthand how wet that nose can be. And apparently that wet nose is a good thing as it lets us know when our animals are healthy and when they could be in danger. A dry having a dry nose is an indication of illness, though it shouldn't be used as the starting symptom. Combined with uncharacteristic hiding, it looked like things were pointing toward my cat being seriously sick.
The last thing that happened was very unexpected. My cat is mostly an indoor-only cat, but he began trying to get out of the house every time a door opened. He'd take any opportunity to rush outside and try and find another hiding. My vet would soon tell me that this is something cats sometimes do when they think they're dying. According to the vet, cats will try and separate themselves from their owners in order to pass away without being a bother or without being bothered themselves. Luckily, I was able to get my cat to the vet before he successfully ran off and passed away, but it was a close.
Turned out my cat had a tumor the size of my fist in his gut, which was, thankfully, removed without complications. He's quite healthy now, happily roaming the house day and night, but if I hadn't be aware of the signs, I might not still have my cat today. Be perceptive and pay attention to your cat, because if you don't you might now have a cat for long.
For more cat information or to learn more about cat health, head over to SimplyCatBreeds.org today!

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

My Outside Dress!

I got this outfit from the fancy Target boutique for cats. It might be just a tiny bit too small for me, but I still like it. Notice the fancy asymmetrical strap? Asymmetrical is another way to say crooked.
I am trying this hunched over pose, but I think it makes my elbows look like chicken wings.
Sorry, time for a treat break!
Even though it is usually Bad Manners to chew with your mouth open, I think is okay if no food shows.
I am thinking..... yes! This dress seems perfect for a trip Outside! I have not been in my Feline Funhouse for a while so I think I will drag it out.
Perfect! The Outside is much funnerer if you have the correct outfit.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

Solve the Riddle!

We have not done a riddle in a very long time. Are you ready for one today? I think so.
What asks no questions, but receives lots of answers?
After you have thought for a looooong time, you may press the answer button to see if you are correct. Good luck!

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Deep Purple

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Box O' Bits

it is bert and ernie here again! we want to show you our special new present... a Box O' Bits! it has a cardboard box to chew all up and hay and treats inside!
hey bert, look what we got! ::clap, clap, clap::
ernie, sniff the holes in the box and see what is inside there!
nom, nom, nom... we are eating the treats we got out from the Box O' Bits.
all that is left is some hay and scraps of cardboard.
we made a movie so you can watch us discover our Box O' Bits!

If you cannot see the video, you can click here to watch directly on YouTube!

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Monday Funnies!

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Safari Gear

CRIKEY! Look at my MANLY new OUTFIT! BROWN is a good COLOR for MANCATS! My KERCHIEF has a MONSTER TRUCK on it, which is even MANLIER!
I think this HAT can GO with my OUTFIT. Because it is ALSO brown.
I could be the new CROCODILE HUNTER! Even though I am NOT ALLOWED to play with the ALLIGATORS in my back yard.
Here is my COY pose!
And here is my WACKY pose! WACKIER IS BETTER!
This HAT comes with a BUILT-IN string toy!

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Catnip Maniac

Look what I got yesterday!!!!! An whole pile of primo catnip. And I cannot see Harley anywhere around to ruin my good time!
I do enjoy eating catnip. Except it sticks to my tongue sometimes.
Closing my eyeballs and savoring the 'nip!
Now I am in a goofy mood. I guess this is another Crazy Face!
I am so relaxed, I do not even mind showing you my catnip covered belleh!
Here is a movie so you can watch me in action with my pile of catnip!

If you cannot see the movie, you can click here to watch it directly on YouTube!